The Tytler Cycle - You Are Here ->
Social tensions are building as the apathetic have empowered the dependent.
This article by Greg Hughes back in 2016 talks about the Tytler Cycle. 6 years later America is past 9 o’clock beyond apathy and into dependency, the threat of censorship grows, freedoms erode, and government expansion has us ever closer to a bureaucratic dictatorship.
This is a warning from Scottish historian and professor Alexander Tytler circa 1787.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse [generous gifts] from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
We are beyond Apathy now. Low voter turnout in local elections, the anger and outcry of rigged elections, and the low employment participation rate are indicators many are willing to accept bondage and dependency. Progressive politicians appear fearless to propose new taxes and promise universal basic income programs, child tax credits, eviction moratorium, and student debt forgiveness . You see various memes and commentary on the class warfare to come. You read in your social feed the threat of who controls the wealth in the world, but those tweets rarely refer to the wealth confiscation and redistribution by a government now controlled by bureaucracy not a democracy.
If the Tytler Cycle infographic was a compass it is directing us the opposite direction of Liberty. The American people so busy with fight or flight survival as they struggle daily with inflation, dysfunctional public education and on the job challenges exacerbated by the government pandemic response. The compliant move so far so fast they fail to even recognize the basic liberty they have lost.
Do we have any hope left? Remember the hope & change promised just 13 years ago, and the build back better promise of 2020? Why are we seeing protests and defiance across the globe, but Americans now seem afraid to stand up? Why are Canadians filling the streets of the Capital of Ottawa, yet if Patriots dare march on Washington they are called traitors. Who are the traitors to democracy? Who really is stealing your vote. Does an illegal alien crossing the border, who is able to cast a vote without a voter ID to prove they are eligible not a threat to democracy? Is 2 million un-documented, illegal alien invaders not a threat to democracy? Is an ever growing bureaucracy of unelected enforcers of tyranny not a threat to democracy? I think the answer is all of the above, but the daily news pendants would prefer you believe those with the faith, and courage to stand up to the tyranny are the threat.
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
― George Orwell, 1984
In 2024, it may be said, “Tyranny is Freedom” unless you instead choose Freedom, then Tyranny is dead.